How “Lucky” have you decided to be this year?

by Dean Jackson

Dear friend,

This week we’re going to start off by talking about luck.

A couple of weeks ago I was on the driving range at my country club and a friend was telling me about this guy in Colorado who was being investigated because he’d won the Colorado Cash 5 Lottery 21 times last year.  So they started a formal investigation of the guy thinking that he must be gaming the system somehow and here’s what they found.  He plays a lot – the system for winning the lottery is to play the lottery.

A couple of years ago I read a fantastic book called the Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman and the basic idea of the book supports this lottery story.  The author took a scientific approach to studying luck and the first thing that they found out was that lucky people consider themselves lucky.  Now isn’t that interesting?  According to the study people who consider themselves lucky often put themselves in situations where luck would pay off.  They enter contests, they buy lottery tickets and they’re doing things where luck could be a factor.  People who don’t consider themselves lucky or consider themselves actively unlucky, don’t put themselves in situations where luck would pay off.  So it’s kind of interesting that in a lot of ways it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

You know, sometimes being lucky, is about seeing something coming while others are focused on what’s happening now.  I have a friend named Frank, he lives in California, he lives in La Jolla and Frank is a surf fanatic. One of the things that Frank does to plan his day is to drive up the hill near his house to a cliff where he can see way out in the distance to see what the surf is going to be like in several hours, while others might just drive by the beach right now and say ‘well these waves are no good’.  This way Frank knows when to get in the water to be ahead of the swells and he appears to be the luckiest surfer in La Jolla.  You know, there are countless examples of foresight being accused of being lucky.  It’s almost like those who have the foresight to see ahead… often when it pays off they’re accused by those who didn’t have the foresight that “he got lucky”.  They say that to excuse their own inaction.

Now I’m reading right now in the current Conde Nast Portfolio magazine about this guy John Paulson.  Now you might not recognize the name but he’s a hedge fund manager who made $3.7 billion personally by having the foresight to see what was coming in 2007 and betting on his foresight with big investments that have paid off.  The article talks about how he saw the collapse coming and the two years of preparation for the big pay off.  You know there are stories like this all around us and there are more being created every day.  The big question that I have is how lucky have you decided to be in 2009?  Are you betting on a recovery this year and what are you doing to be in position for your luck to pay off?  Do you realize that six months from right now it will almost be September and what are you doing today to get lucky in the spring market?  Are you doing everything you can right now to fill your pipeline with prospects who are going to buy and sell in the next six months?  Are you doing everything you can to load up on the listings that the first time buyers are going to be looking for when President Obama’s economic stimulus package has passed, especially if there’s an extra incentive to buy before April 15th and get the tax credit now?

See I believe that you can be as lucky as you decide to be in 2009, but I want to totally stack the deck way in your favor.  So here’s what I’ve got – next Thursday, February 19th I’m going to work with a small group of 100 people in a live teleclass session of The Art of Finding, Getting and Selling Listings.  Now this is the first live Getting Listings class we’ve had in three years and I want you to be a part of it.  I’m going to personally work with you on six live calls over the next 12 weeks to set up your own personal Listing-Getting Machine, just like the one that I set up for Chuck Charlton.

The entire Getting Listings system is available right now on line and you’ll have instant access to move as fast as you want or you can move along with the live classes as I walk you step by step through the whole process.  You should definitely have listing leads by session 3 and if you’re like Chuck and some of the others, there’s a good chance that you’ll have your first listing before the live sessions are even over.

So let me go over what you get.  First of all the system is divided into four baby step modules.  First is getting listing leads, then getting listing appointments, then getting listings and number four is getting listings sold and there’s a complete turnkey system — I’ve done every ounce of the creative work and all the writing for you so that all you have to do is follow the step by step instructions and in no time you’ll have motivated sellers calling YOU to list their house.  So let’s start with the lead generators.  I’ve written and prepared lead generating postcards, fliers, full page, half page and quarter page display ads all proven to get home sellers to raise their hand.  These future home sellers will either identify themselves by either calling to hear a free recorded message and they’ll hear a script that I’ve already written for you, or going to a special lead capture web page, and I’ve already written every word of the website and I’ve developed an automated site builder that creates instant lead generating pages for any neighborhood that you choose.  So I host these lead generating pages for you on our servers and the leads come right through to your email.

Now you get all of the tools that you need to get tons of listing leads and I’ve already written all the turnkey follow up campaigns for you too.  I’ve written a booklet for you called ‘How to sell your house for top dollar fast’ and it’s a 16 page booklet that you customize so it looks like you’re the author and it positions you as the expert.  I’ve written a cover letter that goes with it that highlights three special offers that we have for sellers that are all written in a way that gives them compelling reasons to call you and you don’t make any phone calls with this system, sellers will call you.  You get a complete follow up system with your own monthly “Get Top Dollar” newsletter for home sellers.  Each newsletter has educational articles about how to prepare a home for sale with low cost easy to implement staging tips and it’s fully customizable with your contact information.  You also get 12 appointment getting cover letters to go along with your newsletters.  All designed to get home sellers to call you for an appointment.

So in the Getting Appointments sessions you’ll learn the psychology behind why sellers will choose you over all the other choices that they have.  Next you get a room by room review system that your sellers will ask for and you can use it to get home owners preconditioned to want to stage their home and to have it show its absolute best.  Now the heart of this system is a booklet with you as the author called ‘101 ways to make your house show like a model home’.  It’s already written for you, so you just plug in your contact information and you’ve got another great resource for home sellers with checklists that you can go through the house with them.  Now in the class sessions on getting listings, we’ll talk about pricing strategies and how to present price, how to get the listing priced right, right from the beginning and how to make sure that you’ve got a five star seller.

In the Getting Listings Sold sessions, you’ll be the first to get a new program called ‘How to sell any listing in less than 30 days’ where I’ll share a system to help you find your own buyer for your listings and make twice as much money.  I’ll be working hands on with class participants to write compelling story ads while the program is going on and we’ll track our results real time.  This is the first time I’m offering this program and it’s all part of the live Getting Listings tele-class series.

Now here’s what else I’ve got for you, in addition to our Getting Listings program, we have a Finding Buyers program that sells separately for $249 at  Now for this special class, you’ll get free access to the entire Finding Buyers program included in this Getting Listings tele-class.  The Finding Buyers program is a turnkey system for finding motivated buyers who are looking for homes in your area.  You get all the turnkey lead generators for buyers, you get postcards, display ads, all the cover letters, all the voicemail scripts, the web pages, free reports for buyers.  I’ve written 12 Home Finder newsletters and put those all together as a complete lead conversion system for the Finding Buyers program along with 12 appointment getting cover letters for buyers and plus we’ll be offering a new module updated for finding buyers on Craigslist.  That’s going to be very exciting as well and you’ll be the first to have access to that.

This is the only time that I’m going to do a live Getting Listings session this year and what that means is that I’ll be available on our live calls to work with you one on one to answer your questions and to make sure that you get results.  So just to recap you get the entire Getting Listings system on line and available right now, all the lead generating ads and the postcards I’ve already written for you, a lead capture website with free hosting.  All the pre-written hotline scripts, a complete 12 month follow up system with the Get Top Dollar newsletter and appointment getting cover letters.  The ‘How to sell your house for top dollar fast’ booklet, the room by room review system, six live coaching calls with me, plus the entire Finding Buyers program all for $349.

So here’s what to do now.  Go to right now and make sure that you’re one of the 100 people who will be with me live on February 19th at noon to start this exciting journey.  Now if you can’t make it to the first call or if you have to miss any of the calls, I’ll be recording every minute and you can listen to the recordings and not miss a word.

So get over to and get registered right now, then watch your email for a special pre-class email from me.

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{ 1 comment }

Susan February 9, 2009 at 8:42 am

What a great message of working on creating a great future v. wallowing in negativity of how hard tough the market it right now. I’m feeling much luckier in 09 thanks to Dean!

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