Simple Strategies To Get an EXTRA 3 Transactions in The Next 60 Days

by Dean Jackson

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Dear Friend,

I’ve got a special treat for you this week…

I introduced you to my friend Joe Stumpf in week 14, and today, I’ve got a special audio training called “Simple Strategies To Get an EXTRA 3 Transactions in The Next 60 Days”.

This training is a great overview on the concepts of Before, During and After.

So, go ahead and download the workbook below…and then click play.

Click Here to Download

I think you’re going to love it!


This week we’ve got a special treat for you.

You may remember several weeks ago we had an interview with my friend Joe Stumpf, and Joe is the founder of a company called By Referral Only, and each month we do a wonderful three-day training for realtors and mortgage brokers somewhere around the country.

Now next week we’re going to be in San Diego on beautiful Coronado Island, doing our three day training, and this audio that I have for you today is part one of a two part audio called Secrets of Top Producers Who Have a Life, and I’m going to let my friend Joe tell you all about the before during and after concepts that we’ve been talking about here, because we do a wonderful job in this audio here of giving you a really good overview.

There is a workbook for you to download, so if you’re listening to this on iTunes and you don’t normally go to to read the transcripts, if you go to today there’ll be a special pdf download for you that you can use as the workbook for this audio training.  I’m going to play part one for you this week, and then we’ll conclude with part two the following week and we will have a little wrap up where I’ll summarise what we’ve been talking about and continue on our discussion about before, during and after.

So here’s Joe and I hope you really enjoy this wonderful training.

Joe Stumpf:

Hi, this is Joe Stumpf and welcome to the simple secrets to get an extra three transactions in the next 60 days.

The purpose of this 60 minute CD is to give you several simple strategies that will show you exactly how to get three extra transactions in the next 60 days.  Strategies that you can continue to use again and again every 60 days.

Now the more you use these strategies, the better you’ll get.  You’re going to be shocked at how much money there is just sitting there in your business right now waiting for you to discover it and claim it.

One hour from now you’re going to feel like you’ve been just handed a pair of 3D glasses, and you’ll see your business differently then you’ve ever seen it before. You’ll be energised and excited about the tools that I’m going to share with you, and you’re going to want to apply what you learn right away.

So let’s start with Napoleon Hill, the author of the best selling book Think & Grow Rich.  The message in this book changed my life forever.

Every millionaire that I’ve ever met agrees that it is essential reading if you want to be rich.  Again, the book is Think & Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill way back in the 1930s.  It’s a must read for all consultants who want to be successful.

Now Napoleon Hill interviewed some of the most successful people of his time.  People like Henry Ford and John Wanamaker, Walgreen, JC Penney, Sears, Charles Schwab.  These were people who were giants in the industry back in the 1930s and 1920s.

They were the equivalent of the Sam Walton’s and the Bill Gate’s and the Warren Buffet’s and the Donald Trump’s of today.  What he did better then anyone else was discover the exact formula to business success by studying the daily behaviour of the most successful people on the planet at that time.  Now imagine having a blueprint for riches.  Well you have it with the book Think & Grow Rich.

Napoleon Hill was hired by Andrew Carnegie to take 20 years of research with these great business leaders, and then at the end of 20 years write a book and share the exact principles that they used, and when the book was published Napoleon Hill had compiled a list of 14 principles.

The 14 principles that these super-successful people shared were not things that they were born with.  No, they were things that they had learned and used every day in their life to become successful.

Now I want to share with you five of the 14 Napoleon Hill Think & Grow Rich principles.  Listen to what Napoleon Hill has discovered about success.  Number one, Napoleon Hill said all the people he interviewed had a crystal clear vision.

Actually he says they had a crystal clear vision of what they wanted their business to look like when it was done.  Now imagine working on a puzzle, what’s the most important part of a puzzle?  Of course it’s the picture on the cover of the box, what it’s going to look like when it’s all done.  So the first principle is crystal clear vision of what your business will look like when it’s complete.

Number two; he said they are all focused on the acquisition of specialised knowledge.  Now specialised knowledge, not general information.  Napoleon said riches are obtained through specialised knowledge.

The people Napoleon Hill interviewed for Think & Grow Rich all stated that they would never spend time trying to re-invent the wheel.  What Napoleon Hill did say was the most successful people figured out what they wanted.  Only after they had a clear vision would they go out and find the specialised knowledge they needed to get it done.

Number three is a positive attitude.  Napoleon Hill observed that the most successful people always had a positive attitude.  He remarked that the most successful people he studied had this very positive outlook on life, that they had an attitude that no matter what they were doing, they were going to make their dream come true.

The fourth common characteristic is they were decisive in nature.  Napoleon Hill said the giants of industry that he studied had the ability to make decisions.  He also said that they were not born with this ability, that they had to learn how to decide.

He said successful people were the people who were not afraid to make decisions, and as a result just in their nature they became very decisive.

And then number five; Napoleon Hill observed that all successful people surrounded themselves with a mastermind alliance.  And Napoleon observed that the most successful people are the people who get together with other like-minded people who have the same vision, who are looking for the same specialised knowledge, and who have a great attitude, and who have the ability to decide.

And in my observation the people who are most successful in real estate today share those same characteristics, and they’re great models to guide your personal development by.  Do you have a crystal clear vision of what you want your business to look like?  How much money do you want to make?  How many transactions will that take?  How much time off would you like to have?  Do you have an assistant?  A buyer agent?  A mortgage processor?  What’s your vision?  The clearer the picture that you have of what it will look like, the easier it is for you to identify specialised knowledge you’ll need to reach your vision.

Specialised knowledge is exactly what we’re going to be talking about today.  Knowing how to get buyers and sellers predictably.  How to speak to people using referral language, and how to communicate with your friends and your clients so they refer you is all specialised knowledge.  Now once you know how to do something, it’s easy.

Are you decisive in nature or do you like to keep your options open and procrastinate on decisions?  How’s your attitude?  Are you surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are supportive of your goals?  Are you surrounding yourself with people who are looking for the same specialised knowledge?  Are you surrounding yourself with people who are decisive in nature?

If so you’re applying five of the 14 Napoleon Hills principles to your business now.  If not, you now know what to do.  So let’s talk about how to translate Napoleon Hill’s findings into your everyday business life.

So let’s begin with a business model.  One common business model is to use personal promotion to get your name out there and build top of mind awareness.  Most people who choose this strategy don’t realise the trap of building a business around your name recognition and your personality.  They spend thousands and thousands of dollars building personal branding materials, a new slogan, a four colour super deluxe personal brochure, all designed to make them stand out from the crowd.

They spend all their time and their money focused on getting famous in their market, and some people get very famous.  You can probably think of someone in your market right now, somebody who is very famous.  They spend thousands of dollars on promotion, and everybody knows who they are.  From all appearances they look to be very successful, but what’s going on behind the scenes?  Are they haemorrhaging money?  It’s very expensive to get famous.  It depends on your continuing to support all of that promotional spending.

Have you ever been to Las Vegas?  Well there was a show in Las Vegas that was a very popular show for many years; it was called the Siegfried and Roy Show.  They did two shows a day, six days a week, 38 weeks out of the year.  They had a $28 million contract with the Mirage.  Not long ago you may have read about Roy being mauled by a tiger.  What happened was they had to shut down.

All the people associated with the show lost their job.  The trainers lost their job, the concession people lost their job, and hundreds of families were impacted by the action of one tiger that mauled Roy.  The Siegfried and Roy Show was based on and depended upon Siegfried and Roy.  When people came to see Siegfried and Roy, they were coming to see Siegfried and Roy, not two guys and a tiger.  Without Siegfried or Roy, there was no show.

And that’s a precarious model, a model based on the individual person.  Their situation just amplifiers the danger of building a business around yourself.  Well right down the street in the same town is another show called the Blue Man Group, you might be familiar with the Blue Man.  Last time I read about them they were doing about 69 million a year in annual revenue.  They do concurrent, permanent shows in seven cities, and stage a travelling show each year in 35 or more.

The question I have for you is do you know how many Blue Men there are?  If you said 38, you’d be accurate.  They travel in packs of three or four.  The owners, the people that actually started the Blue Man Group, well they’re no longer involved in the day-to-day show.  They’ve been able to train 38 people in the Blue Man system.

What they’ve done is created a duplicatable process that does not rely on their personality.  And Siegfried and Roy?  It was a personality based business.  Blue Man is a systems based business.  A system based business is a business that can make you rich and allow you to still have a life.

So the first thing you want to consider in order to get a great life and a great business is the system you’re going to use to reach your crystal clear vision.  What a system does is bring order, it brings predictability, consistency and reliability to you and to your business.

After 23 years of coaching and leading agents and lenders, I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the biggest problem realtors and lenders have is a systems problem.  The realtors and lenders rely too much on personality versus relying on systems.  Does that sound true for you?

So what I will discuss with you is the systems that we teach at By Referral Only.  The systems that have stood the tests of time, they are proven every month.  Thousands of the most successful agent and lenders all over North America use these systems to create healthy six figure incomes.  They do it in a reasonable amount of time, maybe 35 to 50 hour work weeks, they take four maybe five vacations a year, but most importantly they reach all their goals while 80% or more of their business is coming to them through referral.

Now does that sound or feel like what you want?  What is it like when you imagine earning the amount of money you want to earn every month, working a reasonable amount of time, and working with buyers, sellers and borrowers who are referred to you, people who like you, people who trust you, people who want to pay you what you’re worth.  So let me explain how this system works.

First I want you to imagine that you have three divisions in your business.  Those three units of your business are called before, during and after.  Each of these divisions is meant to support a crystal clear vision.

The first, the before unit, is about generating leads.  It’s all about marketing.  It’s about advertising with one goal; to generate high quality leads.  Our goal that we teach at By Referral Only in this before unit is for every dollar you spend you want a $15 return.  So if I give you $100 we’ll show you how to get $1500 back.  If you give me $1,000 I can show you how to invest the $1000 and get a $15,000 return.

In marketing you want a return on your investment, not a return of your investment.  We don’t want you to make your money back; you want to make much, much more then that.  If you’re going to market, advertise or promote, you want 15 times return on your money.  Now I’ll tell you what you need to do to make that happen.

Second division of your business is called the during unit, and that’s everything that happens from the moment you met the prospect at the beginning of the transaction all the way to the close of the transaction.  If your before unit generates leads, then the during unit starts on the day of the initial appointment and continues until the end of the transaction.

Now here’s my vision for you: What would it be like if all you had to do was just meet people at the initial consultation, deliver outstanding service to them, and all you did was focus on creating the experience for them that half the people you worked with referred you to your next client?  So for ten people you work with, five of them refer you to your next client before the transaction is over.

Imagine that.  What would that be like if 50% of all the people you work with refer you to your next client?  In what ways would that change your life?  Well that’s what we teach you at By Referral Only, a systematic, organised, deliberate process, how to get half the people your working with to refer you to your next client, and I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do to make that come true.

And then the third part of your business is the after unit.  The after unit is your past clients, your friends, your family members, and people in your centres of influence.  Imagine a unit of your business where all you had to do was focus on building relationships with them.  What is it like when you imagine having 150 people?  That would be names, email addresses and phone numbers of people who know you, like you and trust you.  And through an organised systematic process, you yield 20% annual return on your relationship portfolio, meaning every year 30 people, that’s 20% of 150 people, refer someone to you, repeat with you, or do their first transaction with you.  That would be a yield of 20% on your relationship.

Now yield means every year, year in and year out.  Now before this recording is complete, I will tell you what you need to do to get a 20% return on your after unit.

So those are the three units of your business.  Here’s the vision, the crystal clear visions that we have for your business.  In your before unit, your vision, your goal, your mission, is to have a 15:1 return on every dollar you spend in marketing, advertising and promotion.  And your during unit, your goal, your vision, your mission, is you want 50% of the people who buy, sell or borrow to refer someone to you before the transaction is over.  In the after unit of your business, the goal, the mission, the vision, is you want 20% of the people who are in your relationship base to refer someone to you, or to do business with you for the very first time, or repeat with you.  That is a clear vision of what you want, and probably as clear as you’ve ever heard it.  And now we’re going to focus on what it would mean specifically for your business.
So if somebody asks you about your business “Hey, tell me about your business,” we want you to say “Well I’ve got three units.  The before unit, the during unit and the after unit.  My before unit is returning 15:1 on my money, my during unit is getting me half the people I work with to refer me to someone before the transaction is after, and my after unit is generating a 20% yield.”  Now that’s what I want to teach you how to do right now, and when you’re done listening to this what I’d like you to do is attend my three day program called The Main Event.

Every year in 12 cities around North America I conduct a three-day class called The Main Event.  We’ve been doing that for the last 20 years, every month, month in and month out, like clockwork.  Thousands of real estate agents and lenders come every month to find out how to build a before unit, a during unit and an after unit.  On day one of The Main Event we show you how to specifically, with all the tools which include the sample advertisements, the flyers, the website, the business cards, the scripts, the exact words for the marketing campaigns, and all the methodologies that you’ll ever need to get a 15:1 return on your money.

On day two of The Main Event I teach the during unit and you will get a book with the tools, all the specific dialogues, the scripts, how to get 50% return on each person that you work with, getting half of the people to refer someone to you before the transaction is over.
On day three of The Main Event it’s the after unit where we work on all the tools, systems and methodologies to have 20% of the people refer someone to you, or do business with you in your after unit.  The tuition for the program is $998, and as you listen to this program, if you can see, hear and feel that what you’re learning on this CD is important to you, then you certainly want to call my office and enrol into The Main Event.  Just tell the person you listened to this CD, and tell them you want the guarantee.

We have a guarantee that says we promise that by the end of the third day, if you don’t believe you can get a 30:1 return on your money, meaning that if you invest $998 with us, we promise that you will get a $30,000 return on that, and if you don’t believe you can do that, we’ll give you back all your money no questions asked.  That’s how confident we are that what I’m about to show you will work for you in your business.  Now listen carefully, tell the person you talk to at my office that you listened to the CD and they’ll even give you a $200 bonus, which means your tuition to attend The Main Event is only $798.  And we still guarantee you that you’re going to get a $30,000 return on your money or we’ll give you back all of your money.

So let me explain how these three units of the business work, and then when you’re all done you decide.  Be decisive in nature whether you’d like to take The Main Event.

So now let’s take a look at each of the three units of your business.  As you go through this think about your business versus what I’m about to teach you.  Starting with the before unit.  Remember our goal for the before unit is a 15:1 return on every dollar we spend on marketing.  As a base line, write down the amount of money you spent in the last 12 months on marketing, advertising, mailing and promotion.  It could be $100 or $1000 or $10,000.  It doesn’t matter what the number is, just that it’s your number.  Beside that number, write the amount of money you can directly attribute to that spending.  That’s the baseline return on investment; it’s what your current system is yielding.

And national surveys show that the average realtor and lender get $1.60 return on each $1 invested in advertising.  That means they spend $100 and then they back $160.  A broker friend of mine explained to me that for most people in his office that would mean they would invest $1 and get 80 cents back after paying their broker split.

Now multiply the amount of money you spent annually by 15 to see how much money there would be for you if you were already getting a 15:1 return on your money.  The thing is you’re already spending the money, and you’re already getting whatever return you’re getting using your current system.

This exercise is just to see where the biggest opportunity is in your business.  And we’ll do the same exercise for you in the during and the after unit.  The big idea in the before unit is that you can get buyers, sellers and borrowers each transaction for about $200 to $300 predictably and consistently and you don’t have to do any cold calling.  You don’t have to sit silently in an open house just waiting for someone to walk by while your family is out having a good time, while your friends are out having a good time.  You can do this in a predictable, automated way.  You can do it so it works every time, all the time.  And you can do it so people call you as apposed to you calling them.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get these types of results.  We’re not focusing on branding your name, which is “Oh, I’ve just got to get my name out there.”  What we’re focusing on is getting your prospect’s name in here.  So when we spend $100 on an ad, we’re looking for a response from that ad that will generate $1500.  That’s all we count, is how much money did we make from that particular investment.  We’re looking for a return on our investment, not a return of our investment.

So what we want to teach you right now is how to get 15:1 on your money.  So what would that be worth to you?  Imagine if you spent $10,000 in the last year on marketing, advertising and promotion, a 15:1 return would be $150,000 on that money.  Now if that doesn’t excite you, nothing will.  Now the good news is you can do it if you’re just willing to invest the time to learn how; it’s specialised knowledge.

So let me give you four steps on what it takes to get 15:1 return on your money.  Step number one is you must be willing to invest in things that give predictable results.  One afternoon I was doing a half-day seminar in Las Vegas, and I stopped and I was watching a woman play the slot machine, and she had this little cup of coins, and she was putting one coin in the machine after another, and then pulling the level, put the next coin in and pull it again.  She was doing this over and over and over again.  And this went on for about three hours because I went up to my room, and then I came back and she was still sitting there smoking what appeared to be the same cigarette, you know how the big butt is just kind of falling off the edge of her lip.  I’m sure you’ve seen something like this before.

And I’m looking at this and I’m going “My gosh, this looks just like my real estate agents or the lenders that come to our half day seminar.”  As they go into business, they go in with this cup of coins, and they want to go into business to make money.  And they sit there and they put money into advertising, and it’s like taking coins from your cup and putting them in the machine, and pulling the lever and it doesn’t work.  So they say “Well, I’m going to do a mailing,” and they pull the lever and it doesn’t work.  “Well I’m going to do a website,” and they pull the lever and it doesn’t work.  Then they go “I’m going to try this, and I’m going to try this.  I’m going to try something else, I’m going to try this.”  And they keep on putting money in and keep on pulling the level.

And then something accidentally happens, I don’t know what it is, but “Ding, ding,” and they get a couple of coins back, and they look at it and they go “Gosh, I just won ten coins.”  But what they forgot is they’ve got 800 coins in the machine, and you just got a little of your money back.  The machine still has 790 of your coins.  So stop treating your business like a slot machine.

I encourage you to turn it into more like a vending machine.  A vending machine, you walk up to it and you have a very clear choice, you’ve got Diet Coke, Coke, Seven Up, or Sprite, clear choices.  And then you have to decide, be decisive in nature “What do I want?”  And you go “Okay, I’m going to have a Coke.”  And you hit the Coke button, and you’re not saying to yourself “Come on Coke, I want you to come out.  Coke, Coke, come on.”  No, it’s very predictable, and it’s very reliable, Coke is coming out.  That’s called a predictable process.
So we would ask you to stop spending money on things that do not give you a predictable result, and only invest your money where you can get a predictable return of 15:1 on your money, and that’s the first step.

When a person invites you to spend money to get new business, that somebody’s selling you a website or an advertisement or a mailing program, you say to them “Can you guarantee me a 15:1 return on my money?”  I ask you not to spend any money unless you can get a written guarantee of 15:1 on your money.  Now there are a lot of people that would like to try a lot of different creative marketing ideas that are not proven, that are not tested, that do not get 15:1.  So the first step in getting this accomplished is to make an agreement with yourself right now, make an agreement with me right now; 15:1 or nothing in your before unit.
Now the second step to get 15:1 is you have to select a target market.  The riches are always in the niches, you must narrow your focus.  What I mean by that is if you’re looking at a timeline from the day a person is born until a person is gone there are usually about four transactions.  There’s the first purchase, or their first financing, some first time home buyers stay in that home for the rest of their life, many of them choose to move to the next level, and that’s the second choice.  That’s the move up seller, the move up borrower, the move up buyer.  Now many people go from their first home to their move up home, and then they stay in their move up home for the first of their life.

However there is a third choice, and the third choice is the people who move up to the trophy home, or to their dream home, or they build a home, or they buy the home of their dreams.  And then after the home of their dreams, it’s now time to downsize into a less stressful environment, maybe fewer stairs, maybe a condominium, perhaps a town home, or some type of assisted living.

These four types of moves make up 80% of all real estate and mortgage transactions in the United States.  These are the big four.  These are people buying their first home, moving up to a larger home, people who are buying their dream home, or people who are moving into smaller, down sized homes.  And in every one of those transactions there was a real estate transaction, and there was a mortgage transaction.

So what we encourage you to do to get 15:1 is to narrow your focus and just pick one.  Right now, pick one of those areas.  When you try to market to all of them, you try to talk to none of them.  So when you run an add and you say if you’re buying your first home, moving to a larger home, buying your dream home or moving down, call me today.  And you’re trying to talk to everybody in your advertisement, and as a result you talk to nobody. So what we teach is to narrow your focus.

Now here’s an opportunity for you to be decisive in nature, just pick one of these areas of focus right now.  Is it the first time?  Is it the move up?  Is it the trophy, or is the move down?  Now if you give me $100 and say “Hey Joe I want to put $100 in to a first time home buyer campaign.”  I can teach you how to get 15:1 on that single first time home buyer campaign with that narrow focus.  Now if you came to me and said “Hey Joe, I don’t care what I do, I just want to give you $100 and I’ll take any of them.”  Well I won’t be able to get you your 15:1 return because you don’t have enough focus on your marketing.  You don’t have to limit yourself to one target market forever, just one target market at a time.  Just like you have to choose one soda from the vending machine each time you put in a dollar.  Now the good news is you can choose something else with your next dollar.  One ad, one target market.

Step three is to eliminate your competition.  And what the means is that when you’re client or prospect calls you they’re not calling anyone else, they’re just calling you.  The most recent NAR survey of homebuyers and sellers says that 70% of the people who brought or sold a home only talked to one realtor, and one lender.  Our goal is that they call you, talk to you first.  So the prospect by the virtue of them calling you is eliminating the competition.
Now how do you get them to call you before they call anybody else?  A good metaphor is you want to learn how to fish upstream.  See, most lenders and most realtors are fishing downstream, they’re looking for people who want to buy today, and they’re downstream.  They’re sitting in an open house, they’re calling a for sale by owner, or an expired listing.  They’re fishing in an immediate pond where there are hundreds of other lenders, and hundreds of other realtors fishing in the same pond.

What we teach you to do is go upstream where all the other realtors and lenders are not.  We want you to go maybe like a half-mile upstream and find people who are earlier in the cycle, who are just entering into the cycle of buying, selling and borrowing.  And the way we teach you to do that is through a technology called an automated prospecting system.  Now the automated prospecting system is the invention of Terry Hunefeld.  Terry is the CEO of By Referral Only, and formally one of the most successful real estate agents in North America from Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Terry discovered this methodology, and since has turned it into a whole system helping tens of thousands of real estate agents and lenders all over North America automate their prospecting system.  The way it works is through the use of a free-recorded message.

Let me tell you Terry’s story quickly.  Terry had rental property and he was looking for renters and he was running a small ad in a local newspaper, and like many rental ads the phone kept ringing of the hook over and over again, and his wife, Anne, was being disturbed throughout the course of the day.  And Anne said to Terry “Hey Terry, I’m saying the same thing over and over to these people, and most of them calling are not qualified.

Can you think of a better way so I’m not interrupted during the course of the day to get this message to the people?”  So what Terry did was he took a regular answering machine, and this was way back in the 1980s, with that old technology, and he recorded a message.  And he recorded a ten minute message telling the person all about the rental property, all about what it would take to qualify to rent this property, and then at the end of the message he would say “If this fits you, here’s another number to call,” and then he would give them a number to call him directly at his real estate office.

What happened was he would have dozens of calls coming in, people listening to the message, and only two or three people would call him directly, but everyone who would call him directly was highly qualified.  So here he is, he didn’t have to stop during the course of the day, pick up the phone, talk to an insincere, tyre-kicking renter.  Only the very good ones would call through.

So Terry picked up on that, and he said “Boy, that worked so well for my rentals, let me try it on my real estate practice.”  And he started putting his listings on free recorded messages, and he started putting signs up in the neighbourhood looking for buyers, and before you know it, he’s in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and he’s got 15 answering machines in his basement that are all targeted at very specific target markets.

He described that he was laying in bed at night, and all he could hear was the ‘click, click, click’ of the machines clicking on and off, delivering the message to people who were listening all night to these long, free recorded messages.  The phone company actually investigated him for a potential booking operation because he had all these different phone lines coming into his house.

Now technology’s come a long way, you don’t have to do that anymore.  You could call up any phone provider, or look in the Yellow Pages right now just under voice mail, and you could get an 800 number with 100 extensions for about $15 to $20 a month, and usage charge of anywhere from 8 cents to 15 cents a minute.  You don’t have to have the technology yourself, you can outsource this completely to someone else.  All you need to do then is promote your 800 number and invite people to listen to your 800 message, and you could be up and running in 24 hours after listening to what I’m sharing with you right now.

And that’s what we teach, is the way you eliminate your competition is through technology called an Automated Prospecting System, the free recorded message.  And what we will give you on day one of The Main Event, it’s priceless, we will give you all the scripts, we will give you sample ads, we’ll give you all the things you need in order to turnkey an automated prospecting system that absolutely eliminates the competition.  Using our free recorded message system, you will have a dramatic increase in the number of people who will call, because when you use our exact system and offer people a free recorded message, it will improve your call volume by ten times.

What you might get right now from an ad or a promotion is three calls.  Well with the free-recorded message, you’ll get 30 calls.  Now the secret is in writing a great message.  Some of the messages that we write are anywhere from three to eight minutes in length, and what the messages are designed to do is to help disqualify people, and only find what we have come to call our five star prospects.

Now that’s the fourth step, is to only work with people who are five star prospects.  My Pastor, Shaun Phillips, gave a really great story metaphoric for a five star prospect.  He was talking about how they catch monkeys in some parts of Africa in the jungle.  And what they do is they put a Coke bottle with one of those long-stemmed necks, and then they put a macadamia nut inside the bottle, tie the bottle to a tree, and then the monkey that they’re poaching comes into the jungle and sees the Coke bottle, puts it hand inside the long neck Coke bottle because it’s muscles are so pliable it can reach down.  And then it grabs the nut, and with its fist closed it goes to pull it’s hand out, but it can’t get it’s hand out because its made a fist.  And the monkey will die on the jungle floor because it won’t let go of the nut.  And when I heard the metaphor I thought “That’s just like some real estate agents and lenders.”  They get a nut, they get a client, and no matter what they won’t let go.  There are a lot of nuts out there right now.  You know what I’m talking about, people that your working with that you should really let go of.

What I’m going to do is I’m going to describe to you what a five star prospect is, and if they are not a five star prospect, we say “Let them go.  Open your hand and let them go.”  Get your hand out of the bottle so you don’t starve on the floor of the real estate or the mortgage jungle.  Let them go.

So what is a five star prospect?  Well number one, a five star prospect is a person who’s willing to have a dialogue with you.  They’re a person who will talk to you.  So imagine the person calls up after listening to your free-recorded message, and they call and say “Hi, I’ve listened to your free recorded message, I’d like to get some information about that home.”  But because you have this system in place and you’re getting so many prospects, you’re not connected or attached to any one prospect.  If they’re not a five star prospect, you just let them go.  “Next.”  We’re looking for people who are open to a dialogue, who will have a conversation with us.

Number two, we’re looking for friendly people, not the opposite of friendly, which is dramatic or drama filled.  You can often hear drama in a person’s voice.  One of the questions I like to ask is “Can you describe to me what your last interaction with a real estate or a mortgage person was,” and I just listen.  And if they have a drama filled story “Your next.”  Now you might want to listen very carefully, if they talk about how horrible the real estate agent was, or how miserable or what a goof ball the lender was, you might just want to think to yourself “Well you know what?  I’m probably going to be the same thing to these people in the near future.”  So you’re looking for people who are friendly, people who are drama free, people who are open for a dialogue.

And the third thing that you’re looking for are people who know what they want.  One of the most difficult things to do is work somebody who one day they want to buy a town home, and the next day they want to buy a condo, and the next day they’re thinking about building.  And then one day they want to go to the south side of town, and then the next day they want to go to the north side of town.  And then they think “Hey, maybe we can get something close to the beach, or maybe we can go up into the mountains.”  It’s exhausting, you’re worn out.  You just want to say “What do you folks want?”  So what we say is, you’ve got to be open, you’ve got to be friendly, and you need to know what you want.

And then the fourth thing is you’ve got to be doing something soon.  We like to say six months is the rule; if they’re going to be buying, selling or borrowing within the next six months.  If they’re not going to be buying, selling or borrowing in the next six months, we have to start to wonder do we want to work with them since we work on a contingent basis.  You put up all the upfront money, all the upfront time, all the upfront expertise to work with people, it’s your responsibility to find out who will be doing something in a reasonable amount of time.
And then five is you want them to let you help them, and only you help them.

So that’s what a five star prospect is.  They’re open, they’re friendly, they know what they want, they’re going to do something in the next six months, and they will let you exclusively help them.  Now using the system that we’ll give you one day one The Main Event, it’s not uncommon for an agent or a lender to get ten to 12 great leads in the first two weeks after The Main Event.  People like Norberto Lopez from Houston Texas, took the exact ad from The Main Event workbook, set up a free recorded system, ran the ad and got 50 calls.  50 people listened to his free-recorded message.  Imagine that.

Now out of the 50 people who listened, five called through and wanted to talk to him and know more about his services.  Out of the five people who called, two ended up buying and listing using his services, and they were all great clients.  Now what’s the secret?  Well to get two great clients a month you need 150 people listening to your free-recorded message every month.  We can teach you how to put that system in place.

So what would it be worth to you and your business if you could get buyers, sellers and borrowers anytime you wanted for $200 to $300?  What would three transactions for less then $1000 be worth to you?  Right now you may be making $5000 a transaction.  Imagine if you could invest a couple hundred dollars and make $5000 anytime you wanted by having an Automated Prospecting System in place.  Not cold calling.  Not working with insincere, tyre-kicking prospects, but having a system that attracts five star prospects.

What if you only make $3000 a transaction and you just got one a month.  That would be an extra $36,000 a year.  At The Main Event we’ll give you a complete seven-step checklist so you can create all the direct response lead generating ads for any target market.  You’ll see exactly from A to Z how to set up a lead generating system that really works.  We’ll give you info box flyers, we’ll give you direct response ads, we’ll show you how to use a free recorded message, where to get them, word for word, all ready written out for you scripts to record so prospects can listen to them and chose you.

We’re going to show you a website marketing strategy that helps you get loads of leads from your website.  We’ll teach you how to use email marketing, we’ll give you a word for word email marketing messages.  We’ll show you how to get hundreds of visitors to your website for less then $20.  We have a control ad for attracting doctors, attorneys, nurses and investors.  Even second time homebuyers and move up people, people moving into luxury homes and luxury condominiums.  Inside the workbook you’re going to get a just listed and a just sold campaign that is really second to none.

You’re going to learn how to get listings and how to just take over a neighbourhood very quickly, and how to run ads and find clients who want to re-finance.  And how to find people who are first time borrowers.  The workbook alone in the before unit is worth the entire investment of The Main Event.

So just in recap, the before unit is a 15:1 return.  Your goal is to be very predictable, it’s to select your target, it’s to eliminate your competition and work only with five star prospects.  And we have all the tools and all the strategies to make that come true for you.  Now knowing what to write in your ads and what to say on your recorded message is specialised knowledge, and the best things about specialised knowledge is once you know it, you’ll always have it.
So write down the amount of money a 15:1 return in your before unit would be based on the amount of money your currently spending, compare it to what you’re currently getting as a return.  Now the difference is the amount of money not have specialised knowledge has been costing you.  Once you know how to get a 15:1 return consistently and predictably on every dollar you spend in your before unit, you may just find that you might want to increase your advertising budget.

Dean Jackson:
Well there you go.  That’s some wonderful insight on our before unit, and if you tune in next week we’ll carry on and we’ll talk about the big opportunity, which may be even bigger then your before unit, in your during unit and your after unit.

So I hope you can join me next week, but until then go ahead and review your notebook, look at some of the notes that you took in the first section here, and see how much would this actually be worth in your business if you could monetise your before unit to get a 15:1 return on every dollar you spent.

So have a great week and I will catch up with you here same time next week.

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