Where Does All The Time Go?

by Dean Jackson

I’m writing this from the W hotel in San Diego…and I’ll be flying home on the redeye tonight. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about productivity, and what it really takes to get things done in your business.  

I’ve been writing it all out, and working out some new thoughts about productivity, and next week is going to start a series of productivity focused PodCasts. 

So, here’s what I’d like you to do THIS week. 

There are two Marketing Monday Podcasts i’d like you to listen to before we get started. 

The first one is the very first Marketing Monday called: 

10 Killer Real Estate Marketing Ideas in 10 Minutes…you can find it HERE. 

The second is called: 

How To Find Time To Play More G.O.L.F…and you can find it HERE. 

Next, what i’d like is for you to pay attention this week to what actually happens with your time on a daily basis. 

Write down where It goes. What you get done, and how you spend your time. 

When do you get up? 

How long does your morning routine take? 

How long is your commute to the office? 

What do you do when you get there? 

How do you spend your time all day? 

What time do you wrap up the work day? 

What time is dinner? 

How do you spend your evening? 

What time do you get to bed? 

Write down ALL the different stuff you do. 

If you’ve never kept a time log, this will be a great exercise for you. 

Keep a little notebook, or an index card for each day, and write down how you spend each chunk of time throughout the day. 

Try to do it for the whole week, and I’ll meet you back here next week. 

I think you’ll be very surprised by what you find. 

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