Part 2: Simple Strategies To Get an EXTRA 3 Transactions in The Next 60 Days

by Dean Jackson

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Dear Friend,

This week we’re going to continue with part 2 of talk with our special guest Joe Stumpf.

Last week we talked about the Before unit and how you can use simple strategies to set up an automated way to generate as much business as you want in your before unit — like a VENDING MACHINE.

What if you could set up an automated prospecting system that could deliver buyers, sellers and borrowers at whatever price you were willing to pay. Let’s say you were willing to pay $300 for a new buyer client, wouldn’t it be cool if you could find a vending machine that sold pre-qualified buyers and every time you put $300 in that machine…out came a buyer, seller or borrower?

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That’s the possibility when you’re working in your Before unit like that. When you start talking about your during unit, you’re going to find that the return on investment or return on the language skills that we’re going to talk about is INFINITY.

If you know what to say and when to say it and you can recognize it… you can recognize those referral opportunities and even more importantly you can engineer or orchestrate those opportunities is where your return becomes infinite.

I always like to look at your before unit as a way to start the process of getting you in a dialogue with people so that you can start using your during unit and your after unit strategies to really start to get an incredible return

Let’s continue onto part 2 with Joe.

Joe Stumpf:

Now, let’s see if the during unit may be even a bigger opportunity for you. The second unit of your business is the during unit. The during unit begins the day you meet the person at the initial consultation until the time the transaction is over. The purpose of the during unit is to get 50% of the people to refer someone to you before the transaction is over.

First, do you know the value of a referred client over and un-referred client? Take the referral challenge; take a piece of paper and draw a vertical line down the centre, or just do the exercise right there in the journal that accompanied this CD. On the left side right the word ‘Referral’ on the right side write the word ‘Un-referred’. On the left side make a list of the last five people who brought, sold or borrowed from you that were direct referrals. Lenders, in your case, I want you to think of a referral not from a real estate agent, but from a client. On the right side of the page under the heading ‘Un-referred’ make a lists of the last five people you worked with who came to you from advertising, flyers, rate calls, automated prospecting systems, websites, direct response advertising. Any type of marketing where you had to spend money to attract someone you didn’t know.

Now make a check mark next to each referral name or un-referred name that best describes the client in these ten questions. Number one: Which client was most profitable. Number two: Which clients did you really enjoy following up with? I mean, really, you looked forward to following up with them. Number three: Which clients treated you more like a trusted advisor versus a typical sales person? Number four: Which clients have already referred other people to you. Go ahead; look at both lists, which ones have already referred other people to you? Number five: which clients respected your personal time most? Number six: Which clients would you invite to your home for dinner with your family? I mean, which clients would you not invite to your home, and the ones that are left are the ones you would invite. Number seven: Which clients took the least amount of time to serve? Which client thanked you sincerely for what you did for them? I mean, really think about it. Which one of the clients off those two lists was most grateful for what you did? Number nine: Which clients listened most intensely and took your advice most readily? Which ones allowed you to really be their trusted advisor? And then number ten: Which clients do you share similar values with?

If you’re like thousands of lenders and agents all over North America, more then likely the clients you favour most come from the referral side. Now there may be exceptions, maybe one or two, but that’s exactly what it is, exceptions. When you work with people who are referred to you, you get people who pay you what you’re worth, they make working with you a pleasurable experience, they trust you, they refer you, they respect you, they thank you, they listen to you, and they share the same values. I would say that is some darn good reasons to work by referral only.

Now imagine what it would mean for your business and for yourself if every ten people you worked with referred five more people to you. So if you earn on average $5,000 per transaction, and you do ten transactions, you earn $50,000. And half of those people refer someone to you, and that generates another $25,000. $25,000 that didn’t cost you anything other then knowing what to say, and when to say it; it’s the ultimate leverage. Can you see the power in building a during unit? The secret is this: You must understand that this is lost opportunity. The likelihood of someone referring someone to you is at an all time high in the during unit, and what I’m going to show you in this experience right now is what it takes. Again, there are four steps to know in order to get 50% of the people to refer someone to you before the transaction is over. Just imagine how much your life would change if half the people you were working with referred you to your next client?

So step number one is recognise the referral opportunity, and the big opportunity is the during unit for three big reasons. Number one, you’re talking to the person very frequently. The average real estate or mortgage transaction has over 150 phone calls. So you’re talking to people, and people refer you when you are talking to them. Number two is people like you most when you’re solving their problems, and the during unit is all about solving problems. And number three is people notice other people who are buying, selling or borrowing, when they are buying, selling or borrower.

You have a client right now that is working at their office right now, and they’re at work and somebody in their office walks up to them and says “Hey, I’m thinking about buying a home.” And because your client is in the process of buying, selling or borrowing, they hear it. And they go “Oh really? I’m buying a home right now too.” Now if they were not in the process of buying or selling, that person would walk in and say “Hey, I’m buying a home,” and they would say “Oh, that’s nice. Hand me that file.” It would get past what we call is the reticular activator. That’s the part of the brain that notices things that are important.

You notice signs in your neighbourhood because you’re a real estate or mortgage consultant. When people are selling their home they start noticing signs everywhere. When a person is buying a home they start noticing signs everywhere. When you’re not buying or selling you hardly ever notice the signs, they’re just the landscape in the community. So recognise that the big opportunity for people to refer someone to you is during the process.

Now for most real estate agents and lenders out there, when I introduce this concept to them, they’ve never considered to get referrals during the process. They think that happens after. Well I believe, and I have proven and tested over the last 23 years that your biggest opportunity for referral is during the process. So what do you need to do to get them? Well number two is learn to respond with referral language. You and I get paid to speak, your language gives you the competitive advantage. Your language is your soft skill, and with soft skill you absolutely wipe out your competition.

I want to teach you how to use words so your clients recommend and refer the people they care about to you. You see, the definition of referral is sending someone you care about to someone you respect. And people respect you when you have skilled language. What we teach is a system; it’s a five-step system during the process. Step one is plant referral seeds. And planting referral seeds is a method of communicating to your client, making suggestions every time you open your mouth that you’re available to be referred. Step two is delivery remarkable world-class service. You really do have to deliver an experience that is beyond peoples’ expectations so they’re willing to remark about that. Number three is orchestrate the referral moment. What I mean by a referral moment is there is a perfect time during the transaction to ask for a referral. And then number four is to ask in an intelligent, articulate way. And then number five is to follow through with the person that you’ve been referred to.

So you plant, you deliver, you orchestrate, you ask, and you follow through. So let me give you right now one of the first steps, which we call is planting referral seeds. Planting a referral seed is opening your mouth and uttering the words that make it suggestible to others that you’re available to be referred. There are 17 possible questions that people can ask you during the course of the during unit. They are basic questions like “How are you?” “How’s business” “What’s your commission?” “What’s the market like?” those types of questions. So what we’ve done is we’ve been able to take the 17 most common questions and then script them out using lots of NLP, that’s Neural Linguistic Programming, to help you put into a form of language that’s very convincing and very influential.

Let me give you an example of this. Let’s say that somebody says to you “Hey, how’s business?” Now what do you say? Now most students would say “Oh, great,” or “Unbelievable,” as Tommy Hopkins would teach you. What I teach you is when somebody says “How’s business,” it’s an opportunity to plant the seed. So our method would sound like this: Someone says to you “How’s business?” We would say, here it is “It’s going well. And it’s important you know that I do have time for you, your family, your friends and anyone else you know and like who could use my help right now.” Now listen to that dialogue again. “Hey Joe, how’s business?” “Well, thanks for asking Ian. It’s going well, and it’s important you know that I do have time. I have time for you, your friends, your family members, and anyone else you know and like who could use my help right now.”

I’d encourage you to play that back a couple of times and write it out a couple of times. Put it on the dashboard of your car, maybe the screen saver of your computer, and just notice how many times in the next 90 days people as you “How’s business,” and how you have the tendency to say “Oh, it’s great, we’re really doing well. Yeah, business is fine,” or whatever. What you’re actually saying to people is “I don’t have time for you, I’m very busy.” So what we teach is every time you open your mouth you plant the seed of referral.

Here try this: The next time you’re out there, just take these five little words and use them when you’re ending a conversation, try this: “Don’t keep me a secret.” Don’t keep me a secret. So as you’re about to hang up the telephone after a conversation and you’re talking to Ian, and Ian says “Hey Joe, have a great day.” And I say “Okay, thanks Ian. Uhm.. please, don’t keep me a secret.” And watch what happens when Ian heres those words. First of all ‘don’t’ is the word most commonly heard before the age of four, so his mindset is “I’m not, I won’t keep you a secret, I tell people about you all the time.” Secret is a very curiosity driven word. People say “What do you mean a secret?” You’ll be quite amazed at what happens when you try this. So the next time you’re in a conversation with somebody and you’re about to hang up the phone, just say “Hey Ian, please don’t keep me a secret,” and watch happens. Ian says “Oh no Joe, I tell people about you all the time.” And then your response might be “Well, please continue to do that, I appreciate your referrals, they are the lifeblood of my business.” And what you just did was planted the seed of referral.

And what we find is that most real estate agents are trying to harvest referrals before they’ve ever planted any referral seeds. So we teach you from the moment you meet the client at the initial consultation that you actually start out by saying “Hey Mr and Mrs Client, thanks for giving me a chance to get together with you. My purpose is for you to be so outrageously happy with the level of service that I provide that you gladly refer a couple of people to me before the transaction is over.” See, we start talking about referrals at the moment we meet somebody by making suggestions, sowing the seed of referral.

And that’s not asking for a referral, that’s just planting the referral seed, and when you come to The Main Event, you’ll just be amazed. I will teach you some of the most powerful language skills ever, ever been exposed to, and you’ll get 17 examples of how you can plant referral seeds. There are like 17 arrows that will be in your quiver, and at any given time you can take out any one of those seeds and just fire away, and plant the seed of referral wherever you desire.

So learning to respond with referral language, and really learning referral-ese, see if you play golf, or you need to know the language of gold, you know, a birdy, a bogey, a par. If you play tennis, love, net, those words. But when you’re building a referral business you need to learn how to plant referral seeds, you need to know how to deliver world-class service, orchestrate referral moments, ask in an intelligent, articulate way, and follow through with the person who is referred to you. That’s the language of referral. So we’ll teach you how to respond with referral language.

Point number three is redefine your relationships. The critical distinction in redefining your relationship is answering the questions that your prospect has to have answered in their mind psychologically to see you as a consultant, somebody that is there to provide them value, not a traditional sales person who is there to get a commission. The seven questions that you need to answer, you have to answer them so when they’re all done hearing your answers to these seven questions, they see you as enormously valuable.

These questions are number one: Who are you? Number two is: What do you do? Number three is: How do you do it? Number four is: Why do you do it? Number five is: Whom have you done it for? Number six is: What makes you different? And number seven is: Why should I use you?

And when you can answer those questions, and you can answer them by planting seeds throughout the answering of the seven questions, and answer them in a way that they see you as a consultant, a negotiator and a person who oversees all the details, that’s where your value is. The most important thing most people need from you in order to refer you is, they must see your value. They don’t refer you because you put a locked box on, put a sign up, put an ad in the paper because you have a website, everyone does that.

What you do to create value is you consult, you negotiate and you oversee the details. Now I’ll teach you at The Main Even what it means to talk about consulting, to actually say to a person as your consulting “I’m going to ask you some very profound and insightful questions. I’m going to listen to your answers. I’m going to put together a game plan that makes your dreams come true. As your negotiator I’m going to present your money like it’s mine. I’m going to be a pit bull. What I’m going to do is I’m going to out there, and I’m going to do my very best like it was my money, and I’m going to oversee all these details.” And there’s of those. There’s lots of I’s that need to be dotted, and lots of T’s that need to be crossed, and they all have to be done a in a timely and a very effective manner. And what makes me different is my consulting skills, my negotiating skills and my ability to oversee the details. And that’s while they’ll refer you. It’s the experience of your consulting, your negotiating, and your overseeing of the details, far superior to any other option available out there.

I will teach you how to create value for people so they’ll never ask you to cut your commission. If people are asking you to cut your commission right now it’s because they don’t see your value. They don’t see your value, they will not refer you, and they will ask you to do it for less.

The fourth thing is learning how to create this referral moment. To ask for a referral, and learning how to ask in the right way at the right time. I’m going to give you what we call is the customer experience timeline, it’s a system that we’ve developed to help you monitor what’s happening every stage of your transaction. And what you’re looking for during the transaction is the perfect moment to ask for a referral. We call that the referral moment. It’s usually when you’re giving people good news.

Now what I’ve found is most realtors and lenders don’t know how to deliver good news. What they do is they call up the client and say “Hey your loans been approved.” And the client says “Oh, that’s great, what do we do next?” Well what we teach you to do is something more like this: We would call it BRAG, we use a pneumonic B, R, A, G. Blow it up, Resolve it, Acknowledge it, Go green. So we would teach you to say something like this: “Hey Mr and Mrs Client, I want to talk you a little bit about your transaction, is this a good time?” And they say “Yeah, this is a good time.” See, you never deliver good news if you don’t have the right time to do it. Then you say “Well I was discussing with you the first time we met about FICO scores. Remember when I told you your FICO score was 657 and you wanted to keep your house payments somewhere around $2,000 a month, and I told you that that would take a FICO score closer to 700.

Well over the last six or seven days, what I’ve been doing behind the scenes, is I’ve been talking to under writers, I’ve been emailing and faxing to your credit union, and because of the extra work I’ve done, I’ve got your credit score right here in front of me, and I’ve been able to talk to the people over at the plumbing company, and they had that late bill removed. I’ve been able to talk to people at the student loan and they removed some of that from your credit score, and as a result of all the extra work that I’ve done your FICO score has been bumped up to 688. And the result of all that hard work that I’ve done, I’ve been able to get your loan somewhere around $2,011 a month. And I just wanted to let you know what I’m doing behind the scenes to make sure that your loan gets approved.”

And at the moment is when people hear how much work you’ve been doing for them, is when they have a higher level of appreciation, and they say something like “Oh my god, thank you so much.” And when you hear “Oh, thank you,” this is a referral moment. This is when you ask for a referral. And what I’ll teach you at The Main Event is how to ask for a referral. The dialogue that I’ve been working with for the last ten years, they’re priceless. You’ll learn word for word exactly what to say when a person says “Oh thank you so much.”

Now you’re going to be aiming in your during unit every single day to get a referral moment when a client will say “Oh thank you so much.” You’ve already planted the seeds, you’ve been delivering world-class service, and now you have this referral moment. Now it’s time to ask for a referral, and I’ll teach you how to do that. And as a result, what’s going to happen for you is you’re going to have 50% of the people that you’re working with, they are going to be referring people to you during the transaction, which means you’re going to spend far less money on marketing, advertising and promotion, because the people you’ve got are going to get you the people you don’t got.

So what would that be like for you if you could get five out of every ten people refer someone to you during the transaction? Just think about your next ten people you’re going to work with, that could mean an extra $25,000 for you just by knowing what to say. And at The Main Even I’m going to show you how to recognise the most common referral moments, and exactly how to respond in the most effective way for the most effective results. You’re going to get answers to the 17 most commonly asked questions, and how to plant referral seeds so you set expectations that they refer someone to you right up front. You’re going to learn an incredible referral presentation, and probably most importantly, is how to become a referrable person.

That’s what we’re going to be doing on day two, it’s all about the during unit. So those are the first two units of your business; the before unit and the during unit.

Now before I share with you about the after unit, I’d like you to make plans right now to attend The Main Event. We do a three day training somewhere in North America 12 times a year. It’s called The Main Event. The Main Event is focused on Day 1: The Before Unit, Day 2: The During Unit, and Day 3: The After Unit. The goal in the before unit is help you get 15:1. We give you all the tools, everything you need in order to get the 15:1 return on your money. The during unit is everything you need to do to get a 50% referral rate in the during unit, and the after unit is everything you need to do to get a 20% yield on your relationship.

The investment for the program is only $798, and because you’re listening to the CD right now, when you call my office just tell them that you listened to the CD and that you want the guarantee. Tell them that you want the money back guarantee. And our guarantee is if you give us three days of your time, and a little bit of money, $798, and we really respect that, and we really honour that, so much so that we’ll guarantee you that you’ll get a 30:1 return on your money. That you’ll know by day three that you’ll be able to make $30,000 or more then you did prior to The Main Event with all of the tools that we provide you. And if you don’t think that’s possible, just come up to any one of friendly team, and say “Hey, I’d like a refund.”

You’ll know, you’ll be at The Main Event and you’ll be sitting there, and you’ll know if it does not meet or exceeds your expectations. What you’ll do is you’ll just walk to the back of the room, and we have a staff of anywhere from ten to 20 people there, and you just say “Hey, I’d like my money back.” And cheerfully, and I mean cheerfully, with a smile on their face, they’ll be delighted to give you back your money.

Now we’ve had some 60,000 people come through The Main Even, and we’ve probably had 95 to 100 people want their full refund, so we understand it’s possible. Every month we have to refund two or three people who ask for their money back; it just wasn’t for them. So we ask you to have the courage to come to the back room and say “Hey, Joe told me I can get a refund if I didn’t think it was for me,” and we will cheerfully and happily do that for you. And any one of my team members with a smile on their face will say “Okay.” And we’ll send you a corporate cheque, and because we have to send it out of our corporate offices, it takes about ten days to get your cheque.

So you just tell us where you want it to be sent, and we’ll mail you a cheque within ten days for a full refund. We’ll even let you keep the audio CDs that we’ll give you before you come to the program. So as part of your enrolment, what we’ll be going to do is going to give you a whole course, a set of models, a set of interviews with some of the best producing real estate and mortgage consultants in North America, and we’ll let you listen to this eight hours of material before you even come to the class. You can sit through the entire class, all three days, and if it doesn’t work for you, we’ll give you back your money. You can’t beat that, that’s a great money back guarantee. So when you’re done, call the 800 number on your package and get enrolled. Come and get 30:1 on your money.

The next unit is the after unit. The big idea in the after unit is that you get 20% of the people you know to refer someone to you over the course of the next year, with virtually no competition. They already know you, they like you, and they trust you. That means you’re the only one they’re going to call. They’ll wait for you, they’ll refer you to their friends, they’ll refer you to their family, and they’ll refer you to the people that they really care about. They’re your clients for life, and if you’re going to be in this business for at least the next five years, what if you knew you could generate an extra half million dollars in commission from your after unit alone with a systematise, organised, deliberate system.

Well let me show you exactly what you need to do that. First you need to monetise this for yourself; how many people are in your after unit? That’s how many names, addresses and phone numbers, and email addresses, do you have of people who know you, who like you and who trust you? How many total names? What we’re going to do is encourage you to think of this as a relationship base by taking that base of relationships and creating a system, a method, a process, that yields 20% annually. Now what would that mean to you?

Well first you’ve got to know what you’re currently yielding right now. I want you to think about your after unit and all the people you know, their names, their addresses, their phone numbers, and what percentage of the people in your after unit referred someone to you, or did business with you in the last 12 months? A lot of people come up and say “Oh, all my business comes from the after unit.” Okay, well how many total people do you have? So let’s say you know 300 people and you did 15 transactions, so in that case you’re getting right now about a 5% yield on your relationship base.

What our goal is, is to help you build a 20% annual return on your relationships base, and here’s exactly what you need to do to do that: Number one you honour what we call is life time value. What is a client worth to you over the next ten years, not for this transaction. So client A does a transaction with you and you earn $5,000 on that transaction. And then they refer client B, and client B does $5,000 with you on that transaction. Client A’s current lifetime value is now $10,000. Client B refers you to client C, and they do $5,000 worth of business with you. Now client A is currently worth $15,000 to you.

What we’re going to focus on is growing the lifetime value of your clients. Now I have worked with agents who had a little as 50 names, addresses and phone numbers, and they come to me and they use the exact system that we teach, and they do ten transactions in their first year from this base of 50 people. And then their second year, they turn that into 15 transactions from that same base of people, and then they turn that third year into 35 or 40 transactions, and it all started with 50 people. So if you come to me and say “Hey Joe, I’ve got 50 names, addresses and phones numbers of people who know me, or like and trust me,” I can help you systematically improve the lifetime value of each person on that list.

So the first key in the after unit is start thinking lifetime value versus transactional value. The second point is aim to have a top 150 list. There’s a wonderful book called The Tipping Point that says the optimum number of people in your relationship base is 150. After 150 you really don’t have relationship with people. If you know 150 people and you’re all in the same room at the same time say at a client event, because it’s a 150 people you could remember a little bit about their family, a little bit about their occupation. You can know a little bit about them recreationally. You can know a little bit about their dreams, their hopes and their aspirations. If you have more then 150 people it’s difficult to remember that much data about that many people.

So what we call this is the grocery store test. If you bumped into somebody at the grocery store, do you know their name? Do you know their family members’ names? Do you know what they do for a living? Do you know what they like to do recreationally? And do you have any idea what their dreams, hopes and aspirations are? Now the human capacity is about 150 people, and what I’m describing to you is a relationship. It’s not a mailing list, it’s a relationship.

My good friend Terri [Moiler] up in Thousand Oaks, California, came to me about ten years ago and asked me for some coaching. She said “Joe, I’d like to grow my business, but I really don’t want to spend any more money.” And I said “Well how many people are in your after unit? That’s names, addresses and phone numbers of people you know.” She said “Maybe 500.” I said “Well what are you doing with those 500?” She said “Well every month I send out one piece of mail to all 500 people.”

Now here was my coaching to her, I said “Instead of sending one piece of mail to 500 people monthly, find your top 150 and lets send them three pieces of mail, to the top 150 monthly and the other 350 people, let’s send one piece of mail to them quarterly, and lets see how your business will improve dramatically.”

Well she followed that advice exactly, and she literally improved her business by 25% without spending any more money. The focus is that people who like you and trust you the most are more likely to give you more if you invest more time, more effort and more energy into them. What I find is some of you are staying in contact with people who hardly know you as frequently as you stay in touch with the people who really know you, like you and trust you. So what we want you to do is just to think of 150 people as what you’re aiming to build.

Now many agents come into our training, many lenders come into our training, and they say “I only have 30, 40, 50 names.” And what I say is “Okay, over the next three to five years, we want to build the list to 150 yielding a minimum, now I’m saying a minimum of 20% annually.” That’s 30 transactions annually from 150 people minimum. Now think about that, what is 30 transactions worth to you? Well if you make $5,000 per transaction, that’s $150,000. Some of you make $2,000 a transaction, that’s $60,000 from 150 people annually. That’s year in and year out, it’s not a one-time occurrence. What we’re talking about is yield. It’s like a crop that yields every year, it’s not a one-time occurrence.

What we want to each you is how to do that, and that’s the point, number three is, it requires frequent informal communication. What we have found is the biggest mistake that agents make is infrequent and formal communication to their top 150. So what we have are three methods of communication. What we teach you is evidence of success postcards. An evidence of success postcard is a very inexpensive one colour. We prefer that you put it on what the ugly yellow with black ink, and it’s s story about how you’ve helped somebody in the last 30 days buy, sell or borrow.

What we want you to do every month is tell another story. Our evidence of success postcards might sound like this: “Dear friends, just a quick note to let you know how I can help anyone you might refer to me. A young family was interested in buying a larger home, they had a new child on the way. They were living in a two bedroom apartment with one bath in a school district that they really didn’t want to raise their child in. They came to me, they sat down with me, and I gave them some advice. We went out and we found a home of their dreams, and today they live in a three bedroom, two bath home, on a quiet tree-lined street, in a great neighbourhood in the school district where they feel comfortably having their child go all the way through to high school. If you know anyone who is living in an apartment who wants to own a home of their own that is really at a time in their life right now where they may need a larger home for their children growing up, please give me a call. I’d be delighted to give them the advice they need.”

Now what I’m doing is evidencing success by telling a story of how I helped someone, or somebody achieve a goal that was important to them, and then asking them if they know anybody else who would like that type of advice or help. What I’ll teach you to do at The Main Event is how to write these evidence of success’s every month. It’s one of the most powerful, most impacting communications you can have with people for dozens of different reasons.

Now the second type of communication we teach is called the letter from the heart. See, we believe that people refer you because of what you do, and who you are. Many times people refer you more because of who you are. Your character, who you are as an individual, it’s not what you do. There’s no need for another real estate agent or lender in the industry, we’ve got plenty of them. What we do need are people with character, people who are willing to do an extraordinary job and really be dedicated to building a systematic, organised, deliberate process of serving people. And what we teach you to do is communicate every month who you are through the use of a letter from the heart. A letter from the heart is a method that I invented, and it comes out of the whole Chicken Soup for the Soul philosophy. Chicken Soup for the Soul, those are the short stories that connect with your heart. And what we want to teach you is that if you connect with peoples’ heart, that’s at that emotional level, you’re much more likely to do business with them and have them refer people to you then if you just try to connect with them at the head level, the very logical, business level.

When I see a lot of realtors mailing, there’s this stuff that’s just listed, just sold, talking to me about real estate, talking to me about loans, versus letting me know who you are. I want to know who you are. A little bit about your family, a little bit about what you’re doing in your business. A little bit about your recreation, a little bit about your dreams, hopes and aspirations. And you have given me permission to do this with the people who are in your after unit. You don’t have permission to do this with the people in your before unit and your during unit, but you do have permission to do this with the people in your after unit. And what we’re going to teach you is how to communicate in a very heart felt way through the use of a letter from the heart.

And then the third type of communication is a newsletter. You can learn how to write what we call is a folksy, easy to read newsletter that is more focused on what is happening life versus what’s happening in the real estate and the mortgage business. More around quizzes and contests and information that people can read and find entertaining and insightful, versus mortgage rates and what homes are selling for in that neighbourhood. Not that that information is not important, but not if you’re building a referral business looking for a 20% yield in your after unit.

All of that stuff is important, but not nearly as important as connecting on a heart-felt newsletter level. Now we’ll teach you, and we’ll give you samples of how to set all this up, and you will be amazed at the results that people are getting using the by referral only newsletter.

So there are frequent communications, and they’re informal communications, and what we’re going to encourage you to do is build a list of 150 people who hear from you three times a month, and the result of you using our strategies, evidence of success, letter from the heart, and a folksy newsletter with an occasional phone call using what we call the permission script, what you’re going to find is it’s easy to yield 20% on your relationship base. So come to The Main Event and let me show you exactly how to do all of these things step by step.

And then the fourth thing is to learn to ask specifically for what you want. Let me give you an example of what I would encourage you to do when this recording is over just to test out my idea. I’d like you to get a list of ten people who know you, who like you and who trust you. Ten former clients, or friends or family members, of a combination of any. Then I want you to run down to Starbucks and buy ten gift cards, and maybe put $5 on each card. And then I want you to call up ten people and here’s what I want you to say to them. Call them up and say “Hi, my name is Joe, and I’ve just got a little business that I want to talk to you about. The purpose of my call is to let you know that I have some time right now. I have some time to work with one new customer, and before I do any marketing or advertising, I just wanted to call you and offer you my time, or any of your friends, or any of your family members my time. Is there anyone that you know that could use my help right now?”

So let me say that again. I want you to call up ten people, now just test this out, and simply say to them “Hi, I’ve got a little business I want to talk to you about.” Now that’s important that you start out that way ‘cause you need to let people know that this is a business call, not a friend call. And you say “I’ve got a little business that I want to talk to you, and the reason I’m calling right now is I have some time right now.” Now that’s really important that you tell people that you have time, because if you don’t talk to people frequently, they don’t think you have time. So “I have some time right now to work with one new customer.” Now most of the people who have seen this tape have time to work with one new customer, so you continue. “And before I do any marketing or any advertising and get real busy again, I wanted to call you and offer you my time or any of your family members my time, or any of your friends my time. Is there anyone you know that could use my time or my help right now?”

And more then likely you’re going to get “No, I really don’t know anyone right now.” And your response to that is, “Well the next time you’re in a conversation with someone, and they mention that they want to buy a larger, more spacious home, please don’t keep me a secret.” “Oh no Joe, I’ll call you, I’ll let you know.” Now you hang up the phone, you take your Starbucks coupon, and you write them a note. And in the note you say “Hey, thank you for your time. Enclosed is a gift thanking you in advance for the people that you might refer to me.” And then put five business cards in there, and then drop it in the mail.

That little strategy, we call it a quick result strategy, that’s asking for something very specific. Those are some of the thoughts in the after unit, and when you come to The Main Event, I am going to teach you how to avoid the four biggest after unit mistakes that people make. You’re going to get from A to Z a blue print of how to choose your top 150, and then how to reconnect with them. I’m going to give you a ready to copy, word for word letter that you can use to reconnect with all of your past clients. You’re going to get word for word exactly what to put on your postcards that you could use immediately. I’m going to show you a great way how to create compelling newsletters. You’re going to see the three most important things that you can do, and send your client, that will encourage them to refer people to you over and over and over again. I’m going to show you how to use email to your clients to get them to refer you, what to say in a simple little three minute conversation, we’re designed a whole series of three minute dialogues that when you use these, people will call you on the phone and say “Hey, I want to refer people to you.”

The one thing I just gave you is an example of ‘I have time’ dialogue, I have a whole bunch of those for you, and you’ll just love them. I just want you to think of what it might look like to have 80 to 90% of your business coming from referral. What would it feel like to have 80 to 90% of the people come to you through referrals, from people who like you, know you and trust you? Very powerful. And when you put these three systems together, your before system, your during system and your after system, you will be able to generate a beautiful high six figure income, do it in a reasonable amount of time, and work with the people you like most. And probably most importantly, fell truly fulfilled. And fulfilled is being happy, being successful and truly being free.

So let’s take a minute and review what you’ve learned here today, and how much this might be worth to you over the next 12 months.

In your before unit we calculated exactly how much it would be worth if you knew exactly how to get a 15:1 return on every dollar you spend in your advertising, promotion and marketing. With certainty, not with hope.

In your during unit we calculated how much extra money you could make with just a little specialised knowledge, of recognising referral opportunities and responding with the exact referral language. If half of the next ten people you work with refer you to just one person during the transaction, how much extra money would that mean to you? Would that be $25,000, $30,000, $50,000? What if you only got two referrals, that would still be $10,000. You do the math.

In your after unit we calculated that if you could get a 20% minimum yield on your relationship portfolio for every 10 people, that would be 20 transactions a year at $5,000, that’s $100,000. Even if you did only half of that, it would still be $50,000 for you.

I know you can do this. The specialised knowledge you need is going to take you three days to learn. I hope you make the decision to join me at The Main Event.

My name is Joe Stumpf, I appreciate you taking the last 60 minutes to listen to me, I’m the founder, I’m the national spokesperson for this company called By Referral Only, I teach the three day event, so please come up to me during the conference, introduce yourself, let me know if what I told you on this CD is accurate. Look me in the eyes and let me know what you really think. I really look forward to seeing you and talking to you. Right now, all you need to do is simply call our office, the toll free number that’s on the CD in your package, and get enrolled in The Main Event right now.


I hope you enjoyed this past 2 weeks. I really hope that sometime this year you can join us at a 3 day Main Event. We do one every month somewhere in the country, I’m just about to leave tomorrow to go to San Diego, we’ll be Ft Lauderdale, Chicago, Denver, Reston Virginia, back in Los Angelas this fall, Sacramento, Tampa, Seattle and we’ll be starting up next year in Palm Springs again.

If you’d like to get more information or to be keep updated on the schedule for the main events just send me an email at and put Main Event in the subject line. I’ll make sure that I get you an information packet including the schedule of when we’ll be in a city near you.

That’s it for this week, we’ll be back again next week to continue our discussion on different ways to get listings, find buyers, and convert more leads,

Have a great week,

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