A Simple Way To Organize Your Business Around It’s Three Key Functions…

January 8, 2009

Dear Friend, This week we’re going to talk about a simple way to organize your business around it’s key 3 functions. I’ve been thinking and studying a lot lately about the structures that support a successful Real Estate or Mortgage business, and what would be the optimal organizational system. I’ve been watching closely as I […]

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A Simple Step-By-Step 30-Day Orchestrated Referral Plan

January 8, 2009

Dear Friend,  This week we’re going to continue a conversation we started 2 weeks ago.  In that Podcast, I brought up the concept of referrals and I shared an observation that there are 3 types of referrals.  Passive Referrals, where you get a phone call from someone who says “My friend John told me you […]

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A 3-Step System To Get All The Referrals You Want In The Next 30 Days

January 8, 2009

Dear Friend, This week we’re going to talk about referrals. Now most of the time on Marketing Monday we talk about marketing and Direct Response advertising to generate leads. The big misconception people tend to have about referrals is that if you do a good job for people and you stay in touch with them […]

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What To Do If You Run A Direct Response Ad And NOTHING Happens! & What To Do if You Run A Direct Response Ad and You Get Overwhelmed!

January 8, 2009

Dear Friend,  This week we’re going to carry on the conversation we’ve been having over the past several weeks.  If you’re following along, we’ve talked about choosing a target market, about writing a great headline we can use for a Free Report to offer in a direct response ad.  Now, if you’ve done all that…one […]

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How to Write Direct Response Ads That Can Make You RICH!

January 8, 2009

Mp3 Dear Friend,  Here is a step-by-step process you can go through every time you sit down to write a direct response ad, to make sure that you have all the elements that will make the ad as profitable for you as possible. Refer to this checklist before and after you write your ad, and […]

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An Easy Way To Write All The Free Reports You Need For Your Business

January 8, 2009

Dear Friend,  Here’s How To Write All The FREE Reports You’ll Ever Need For Your Business… Free Reports are a very versatile tool that you can use for your business. They are generally 4-8 page information pieces that give your prospects valuable information they want and need to make informed decisions. They can be on […]

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How To Write Headlines That Compel Your Prospects To Take Action NOW!

January 8, 2009

Dear Friend,  One of my favorite things in the world is to come up with a great headline. I put a lot of time and energy into making sure that each headline I write is going to capture the attention of my target audience and is going to tell my complete story in just a […]

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5 Subtle Mindset Mistakes That Could Be Costing You a Fortune

January 8, 2009

Dear Friend, This week we’re going to talk about 5 subtle mistakes that can cost you a fortune. Most of these mistakes happen below the surface, and seem simple enough, but let’s see if you can identify with any of them. 1. Not understanding the difference between getting RICH vs. FAMOUS This mistake boils down […]

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Is Your Website Making You Money?

January 8, 2009

Dear Friend, Let’s talk about your website this week. My latest observation is that websites have overtake full color super-deluxe personal branding brochures as the biggest money-sucking black hole in the real estate universe. It’s true. I see people spending thousands and thousands of dollars on the latest flash and animation technology to get dancing […]

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How To Set Up A Lead Management System That Could Triple Your Business

January 8, 2009

Dear Friend,  I’ve been in “Student” mode for the last several months.  I’ve been really studying what I believe is the single biggest opportunity for you to triple your business — Lead Management.  For years now, I’ve been completely devoted to developing the most cost effective and magnetic ways to generate tons of leads of […]

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